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| Online Companion: Beginning Essentials in Early Childhood Didactics Chapter 1: History and Current Issues of Early Childhood Education Chapter Review Questions - Four themes emerge from the history of early babyhood education: the ethic of social reform, the importance of babyhood, transmitting values, and a sense of professionalism. Write most i of these themes.
- What is the relationship between the costs of child care and the quality of feel for the children and teachers?
- Depict what it was like educational activity in a Froebelian kindergarten, including a definition of school, the role of play in learning, and the materials used.
- What does John Dewey's My Pedagogic Creed hateful today?
- If you work in a center, respond these questions: What is the history of the center? What is its philosophy? What is its educational approach? Of the historical figures in the chapter, which ones seem most like the center in application?
CRITICAL THINKING AND ACTIVITIES Chapter Learning Objectives - To understand the interdisciplinary nature of the early childhood education field.
- What different fields did the first nursery schools draw from?
- How did each of these contribute to the piece of work washed today in early childhood programs?
- Are there particular kinds of programs that call on specific knowledge from any of these professions?
- What other fields might make contributions to the field today?
- How has the medical field contributed to our knowledge of child growth?
- Have there been any problems with the information some medical professionals offered to early on instruction over the years?
- What areas of medicine might be useful for early childhood educators today, and how could these areas extend our knowledge and our work?
- To articulate several cardinal themes in early childhood.
- Name the 4 major themes of early on childhood education. For each, proper noun at to the lowest degree two people or events that affected the field. Place what the outcome was and how much it influenced the knowledge and do of early childhood didactics.
- Select one early childhood theme that appeals to you. Explain how that theme has been "played out" in early childhood history, and and then explicate how that theme is reflected in your work and how it afflicted your decision to bring together the field.
- To show how current events affect both the field of education and the realities of child care.
- Select an of import current event that affects your work or your thinking about immature children. For example, describe how research in the development of the brain might influence curriculum. Or explicate how the events of September 11, 2001, changed the way teachers work with children and aggressive behavior, with families about cultural learning and tolerance, or with their safe procedures programs.
- "Remember globally, human activity locally." In what ways is this slogan from the 1990s relevant to early childhood education programs? What current events affect your daily work with young children, and how can you as a professional accept a stand on issues surrounding the events?
ANNOTATED WEB SITES Center for the Child Care Workforce http://world wide web.ccw.org This Web site is the result of a articulation effort by the Centre for the Child Care Workforce (CCW) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). The early childhood educational activity theme of "professionalism" is addressed here, with summaries of best-selling books such as The Early Childhood Mentoring Curriculum and articles such every bit "Finding a Better Manner: Defining and Assessing Public Policies to Meliorate Child Care Workforce Compensation." Child Abuse America http://www.childabuse.org The Spider web site is produced by the Tennyson Heart for Children, which has helped abused and neglected children for more than 100 years. Although the center operates the Colorado Christian Habitation for Children, information technology supports children and families without regard to religion or religious affiliation and its Web site offers information useful well across the state. Included are sections for parents and for children, information on how to report, and suggestions on dealing with stress and what to exercise at present. Children's Defense Fund http://www.childrensdefensefund.org Children'south Defense Fund is the unmarried children'south lobby, privately funded, at the federal level in Washington, D.C. Founded past lawyer and children'south advocate Marian Wright Edelman in the 1970s, it has championed child and family unit causes for decades; in fact, it was Edelman who coined the term "No Child Left Behind" (recently taken by the U.S. Section of Educational activity) to describe the effort to ensure every child a healthy, fair, and safe start in life. The Web site chronicles the past and current actions of the group and provides access to enquiry regarding poverty and discrimination. National Clan for the Educational activity of Young Children http://www.naeyc.org NAEYC is the world's largest professional system for early childhood educators, working on behalf of young children, with affiliates in every country of the United States and a global brotherhood. The Web site describes the organisation, its public policies, information about conferences and publications, position statements on early childhood issues and research, and access to membership and accreditation. Rand Corporation written report http://www.rand.org The Rand Corporation is a non-turn a profit system focusing on the social and economic issues of didactics, poverty, the environment, crime, and national security. In item, the Promising Practices Network provides evidence-based information on programs and practices that work to improve the lives of children, youth, and families. The early on babyhood issue of high-quality pre-kindergarten is an instance of i of its research summaries. Answers to Chapter Review Questions - Ethic of social reform-
Early childhood teaching as trying to ameliorate children'south health and well-being; early didactics including social welfare and family unit back up; mention of Montessori, McMillans, Mill, Eliot, Head Start, anti-bias, and/or Edelman; may include electric current inequities and need for social justice. Importance of childhood- May mention the historical emergence of childhood every bit a unique phase of life, adults taking responsibility for children's welfare, children learning and needing experiences in special means. Transmitting values- Values as the essence of education in history; may connect works of Montessori, Dewey, and Steiner with sure values; anti-bias curriculum and a need to accolade multifariousness while forming a cohesive culture. Professionalism- - Sense of identity-wait for teacher as caregiver, every bit educator, every bit function of a larger focus on developing children; await for holistic view.
- Purpose for developmentally appropriate practices-look for the description as having iii parts: cognition of child development/children as a group, understanding the children as individuals, respecting the social and cultural contexts of the children and families.
- Commitment-look for keeping children'southward best interests as a priority; keeping confidentiality; upholding a code of ethics; honoring diversity.
- Legitimate work-look for comments most worthy wages, work weather condition that are sustainable, didactics equally more than babysitting.
- Quality care unremarkably means higher wages, more personnel, and more trained personnel. Poor-quality child care threatens children's emotional and intellectual development, and often basic safety and health measures are lacking. Quality is affected by grouping size, teacher/child ratios, number of trained and experienced staff, compensation, and the child intendance environment.
- School is a "children'southward garden," a pleasant, enjoyable place. Play is the principal style to acquire. Materials used were blocks, specially made manipulatives called "gifts," and pets; also, fingerplays, songs, and games.
- Children learn to manage themselves in groups, make and share friendships, solve bug, and cooperate. Schools are child-centered and employ everyday experiences every bit a major part of the curriculum. Teachers institute relationships with families, deepen and extend home values, and teach social skills every bit much as academics.
- This question will vary according to the center called. Wait for major historical figures such as Comenius, Pestalozzi, Froebel, and Rousseau or more electric current philosophies such as Montessori or Reggio Emilia.
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