New FLEXI Plugin. Supports images, youtube, mp4,mp3,pdf and many more than with dynamic animated gif thumbnails.

UPG – User Mail Gallery

UPG is the easy way to let visitors/guest to post images, article, YouTube, Vimeo, instagram, facebook, twitter, woocommerce product & 30+ urls without registration from the frontend/backend.

[upg-form] tin exist used as frontend uploader for wordpress post and other custom post type.

Generate total responsive gallery based on categories, tags, username and many more.
Allow user select anthology, generate tags, upload pictures,video from frontend.

Submitted mail service can be also be shown inside BuddyPress, ultimate-member plugins in a user profile tab.

That's all there is to it! Your site now can accept user generated content. Everything is super piece of cake to customize via Plugin Settings page.

Power of layouts will let y'all to pattern/work of your selection.


In that location are three types of UPG Gallery.

1. Attach Gallery [upg-attach]

  • The image/video url posted on this postal service will not be visible on other places.
  • Information technology is full of ajax, hence no page refresh occurred during submission and folio navigation.
  • 'Lazy Load more' button is available and images can be previewed in lightbox/popup
  • Optimized for pre loading of images

two. Chief Gallery [upg-listing]

  • It is independent gallery. All the UPG post submitted on different post tin can be visible at [upg-list].
  • It also works equally the main page of UPG gallery.
  • Information technology has lots of shortcode parameters to filter & change layouts.

3. Data Table Gallery [upg-datatable]

  • This volition display UPG post and other custom mail type (CPT) in tabular format and is powered by datatables.cyberspace.
  • Used for huge sets of records and full of ajax. Search between the rows for title and UPG custom fields.
  • Ability to consign records in CSV, Excel, PDF format in one click.
  • Sorting of column and option to display records per page.
  • Primary designed for developer so that php role can be included in own table cavalcade.

Frontend Submission Forms

In that location are 2 types of class.

ane. [upg-post] Form

  • Registered & visitors can mail images/article/youtube video url from the front end.
  • Create own tags from frontend.
  • Ajax powered submission form. Form submitted on aforementioned place. No more than grade redirection.
  • Options of static page form submission. Best fit if javascript is not required.
  • Redirect to selected folio subsequently grade is submitted. (upg-pro)
  • Ready layouts to be used for submission form.
  • Options to create own custom fields. Get extra data from user during form submission.
  • Google ReCaptcha code for spam protection. (upg-pro)
  • Bulk image upload. (upg-pro)
  • With the help of personal layout form, user can create own avant-garde personalized grade with the assistance of PHP.
  • Options to display submission push button only to logged in users.
  • Separate album selection for images & embed video

2. [upg-course] Form

  • With this shortcode user can submit content to wordpress post or other custom postal service types (CPC).
  • It can be used as frontend uploader for other plugins.
  • User tin select existing album and generate own tags from frontend.
  • Special shortcode to generate html input fields.
  • Cheque this url for item explanation

List Album/Categories [upg-anthology]

  • List album/binder/categories via shortcode & widgets
  • Album supports own thumbnail
  • Listing album filtered past images & embed (youtube, vimeo, 30+ sources)
  • options to hide album from visitors

Admin Post Management

  • Administrator can show or hide detail categories/albums from the frontend.
  • Completely finish frontend submission and post it from backend by Administrator.
  • Controls over custom fields to exist displayed at backend & frontend.
  • Options to set every bit approval of postal service/images before it is displayed at the frontend.
  • Ability to approve/draft post in bulk
  • Create unlimited albums and tags.
  • Assign invitee submission mail to specific existing users.
  • Ability to hide selected album/category from frontend & in widget category listing.
  • Own media sizes for thumbnail and preview page.

User Post Management

  • Loggedin users can edit,delete own uploaded post with ajax system.
  • Different other plugins, it also deletes all the media file associated with it.
  • 'My Gallery' private page for loggedin users.
  • Notification via electronic mail when someone submits class. (UPG-PRO)

Brandish submitted post

  • Responsive article/prototype/YouTube/Vimeo gallery for mobile & tablets.
  • Automatically & manually brandish all submitted content on the frontend.
  • Generate gallery inside BuddyPress, ultimate-member plugins in a user profile tab.
  • Content & images tin can also be posted from the backend with additional options.
  • External plugins shortcodes can exist added near UPG post.
  • Options for both lightbox and static folio (Preview Page).
  • Gear up number of images to exist displayed per page.
  • Multiple layout options bachelor. You can create ain layout from scratch using personal layout.
  • Navigate posts/images with album or tags using widgets.
  • Page navigation with the assistance of WP-PageNavi plugin.
  • Ability to show gallery based on username, category, albums, tags with the assist of shortcodes
  • Brandish gallery in sliding or carousal layout with plenty of parameters.
  • Photographic camera EXIF Information is auto extracted form paradigm uploaded by user.

Ultimate-Member & BuddyPress Plugin

  • Integrated with Ultimate-Fellow member & BuddyPress plugin
  • Gallery tab is created on profile page.
  • Gallery contour avatar will link to social profile page

YouTube, Vimeo Video & 30+ URL submission

  • User tin submit/embed url with title & ain descriptions
  • Static thumbnail image is created automatically based on url submitted
  • Auto assigned thumbnail as featured image
  • Embed URL can be shown in popup or link to different folio. No alter in site.
  • All Embed URL & Epitome gallery can be on aforementioned page.

ListPress Plugin

  • Popup contact/query/feedback push tin be placed on preview page
  • Image thumbnail visible in form for users.

ODude Ecard Plugin

  • Submitted postal service can be sent as ecard.
  • Full featured greetings bill of fare site can exist created with user submission.

Other features

  • User can use UPG grade to submit post to wordpress or other custom post types
  • Options to include posts into archive pages
  • Widgets to list categories & tags.
  • Widgets of submission class powered with ajax.
  • Multisite compatible
  • Bulk Image Upload with options to limit number of image to upload. (upg-pro)
  • Other plugin shortcode can be displayed near epitome in preview layout. Eg. Social share, rating
  • REST-API with UPG custom fields

Submission Grade Demo

  • Majority select form [upg-course-tag] Demo
  • Bulk select course [upg-post] Demo
  • Youtube, Vimeo, 30+ submit URL form Demo
  • Submit regular wordpress post by visitors
  • Submit woocommerce product by visitors
  • Submit to custom post types

Gallery / Grid Demo

  • Photo or masonry layout Demo
  • Filter layout Demo
  • Classic layout Demo
  • Flat layout Demo
  • List layout Demo
  • Slide layout Demo
  • Store , FAQ, Personal, Basic, Ecard, layouts available.
  • Data Tabular array Demo
  • Single-Page Attach gallery with Load-More buttons [upg-adhere] Demo
  • Create your own gallery layout with 'personal layout'. (PHP & CSS)

Preview / Media Demo

  • Ecard or Greetings Card layout (upg ecard) Demo
  • Photo preview layout Demo
  • Shop Layout Demo
  • Basic, FAQ, personal layouts available
  • Create your own layout with 'personal layout'

Reference & Documents

  • UPG Homepage
  • Documents & FAQ
  • Fork the plugin or help on Github


  • German – Deutsche (de_DE)
  • Castilian – Española (es_ES)
  • Hindi – हिंदी (hi_IN)
  • Italian – Italiana (it_IT)
  • Swedish – svenska (sv_SE)


For further questions feel gratis to drop a line at

i. How to install

Some pages are motorcar created. Do not delete them even if non required.

    1. User's Post Gallery: Main UPG gallery page.
    1. Post Image: Submission page for images.
    1. Mail Video URL: Submission folio for youtube/vimeo/30+ url.
    1. Edit UPG Post: Let users to alter/update own UPG mail.
    1. My Gallery: Registered user can run across ain submitted post.

Go to UPG Settings and select those pages at advisable location before use.

2. How to brandish gallery

Re-create paste shortcode to mail/page where you like to display gallery.
[upg-adhere type="image"] or [upg-attach type="embed"]

To display gallery based on album, tags, appointment, or more.. use shortcode

iii. What type of images does WP-UPG support?

UPG supports the following types of image files: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, YouTube URL, Vimeo URL

4. Create submission form

Submission page are auto created when plugin activated.
Or manually create folio & insert the shortcode
[upg-post type=prototype] or [upg-form]
in the description area. Link this page at your upg settings.
You can also use [upg-course].

five. Show images from specific album/category

Insert this shortcode in the textarea for a page and link that page to your menu.
[upg-list album="slug_name_of_your_upg_album"]

  • Shortcode to Display gallery

Leave album blank to testify all UPG posts.

6. What happen, if I update plugin

When plugins are updated, the plugin/wp-upg binder is deleted and new 1 is created.
Merely this will not delete whatsoever uploaded post/media.
If y'all are using 'personal layout'. Your UPG postal service may exist blank page for 1st fourth dimension. After refresh it volition reappear.
It copies files from upload folder to layout binder.
But we advice to take backup before update.

7 . How 'personal layout' is different from other layout

'personal layout' is a layout which is created by you. Information technology is blank at the beginning.
Whenever you lot use UPG 'layout editor', information technology copies the code from other layout to personal layout with the changes you have washed.
Information technology creates the concrete file placed at wp-content\uploads\ folder.
When plugin is updated, these files are copied at wp-content\plugins\wp-upg\layout\ binder.

I take bought PRO version of this plugin and Exercise Non Buy IT. PRO version has only ii things more than than this free version (recaptcha and bulk image upload) and neither of those two piece of work. Support squad is disaster. They don't assist, they don't explain, just wrote two or 3 words, they are not flexible, there is no how-do-you-do, goodbay, thank you or anything else that normal person would wrote in eastward-mails, never had worst experience with help desk or plugin and must say that I am more than xx years in web development.

Love the plugin, easy to configure and lots of options. Peachy solution.

One of the BEST plugins for Word Printing. Actually, Really cool!

If you need to allow your website visitors to upload content, or if you just desire to display photograph albums of your own photos, this plugin works smashing. I especially love the Layout Editor feature. It'due south amazing! There is room for improvement. I plant 1 feature, irresolute the paradigm preview layout, that wasn't clearly explained, and I spent a good amount of time trying to figure out why the prototype preview mail service for all of my images weren't looking the mode I intended them to. It turned out each photo has a preview setting, and then just changing the global preview setting doesn't alter the preview setting for the photos already uploaded. That makes sense, but I never saw anything that documented that feature. The lawmaking could exist a little bit cleaner as well, which might make it difficult to work on as more features are being added over fourth dimension. In the terminate, though, the plugin works merely fine. Kudos to the author for making something new, not found anywhere else in the WordPress repository of free plugins.

It works great and the author writes off right away in example of problems! Cheers a lot!

Really dainty plugin and very user friendly to use... having a niggling scrap of upshot on thumbnails after updating the latest version, but the developer is very quick to resolve my problem in minutes.. Thanks to Odude Network,

Read all 36 reviews

"User Post Gallery – UPG" is open source software. The post-obit people take contributed to this plugin.


  • odude


  • Tested upwardly to wordpress 5.eight.two


  • Tested up to wordpress 5.7.2


  • Tested up to wordpress 5.7.1


  • Fixed youtube thumbnail during submission & at gallery.


  • Tested till wordpress 5.5


  • Lawmaking optimized


  • Fixed export="off" of buttons at DataTable layout
  • Filter layout is at present responsive


  • Format code and back up continues evolution


  • Video URL submission stock-still for older version of wordpress.


  • Categories sorted by name
  • Fixed changing of anthology type during quick edit.


  • Custom field fixed for majority paradigm upload


  • Introduced FLEXI plugin for easy paradigm gallery


  • Fixed wp_post post_type not found mistake


  • moved verify captcha from upg-pro to upg
  • While uninstall it will delete page with [upg-listing] [upg-edit] and others
  • Fixed upg-breadcrumb header sent fault
  • Fixed upg-search header sent fault


  • Updated admin menus
  • Updated link class-oembed.php to new class


  • Updated preview bones layout with total width content
  • Updated basic,photograph,pro gallery layout, popup with championship & clarification
  • Updated postal service video icon


  • Interduced new upg-datatable
  • Added trash,edit,profile push button option at preview layout


  • Removed 'photo layout' of course
  • Re-bundled Addon UPG settings.
  • [upg-attach] new parameters added
  • [upg-attach] 'layout' parameter renamed as 'form_layout'
  • [upg-adhere] assign 'gallery_layout'
  • [upg-adhere] assign 'popup'
  • [upg-attach] Choice 'private' to hide from [upg-listing]
  • updated 'basic' preview & media layout
  • added new 'pro' gallery layout
  • updated 'classic' gallery layout
  • Delete UPG pages afterward plugin uninstall
  • Added 'Quick Edit' option at UPG posts admin
  • include_children post for sub albums
  • Testify album post counts in a higher place thumbnails


  • 'bulk update' UPG post 'preview layout'
  • 'Layout' is renamed as 'Template' in settings
  • Added 'filter layout' in Gallery Template
  • Updated 'list layout' of Gallery Template
  • Updated 'classic layout' of Gallery Template
  • Delete message confirmation


  • Added upload & progress bar on ajax form submission


  • Added captcha field in [upg-form-tag]
  • Updated linguistic communication file
  • Added drag & driblet image in [upg-grade]


  • Fixes css issues with course basic layout
  • Improved breadcrumb navigation
  • New demo site
  • Shortcode position ane & 2 moved to 'bones setting' – > 'preview settings'


  • Added breadcrumb features with theme & shortcode support
  • Updated photo form layout
  • updated photograph preview layout
  • Bulk form layout now only available to upg-pro
  • Updated anthology css with counter
  • Addon remote images added to local folder


  • Lamentable, Some files were missing in last update.
  • Removed magic form layout
  • [upg-form] can exist used on any regular page
  • Added [upg-album] to list albums
  • Shortcode guide page updated
  • Added thumbnail support for albums
  • fancybox wp_enqueue_script proper name & postion updated
  • widget categories now supports css icon if bachelor in theme
  • Uploaded images are also assigned as featured image.
  • Removed motorcar generated title from preview page. It now used them default.
  • Media is also deleted permanently if deleted from frontend